Thursday, April 18, 2013

i'm sorry

mungkin butuh jeda.
ngga suka banget "diteken" dan dirurusuh.

"sorry, i'm not perfect and just can give little contribution.
but i always try with my own style.
maybe, mine it's not match with your style, what you want, and what you expect from me.
i try to understand. maybe my process not as fast as yours, but i still try, i still stand.
i'm sorry if i like disappearing, i just don't want you all see my bad mood, bad condition, or bad expression from my face. 
i just don't want do something that not according to my heart. i don't want do something with no wholeheartedly. i don't want do something that i don't know well and not expert in. i don't want do something random (asal-asalan).

i don't hate you, not at all. i love you all. 

even initially we didn't know each other, but we finally united by Allah. and this bond, will be forever in this world and the hereafter, insyaAllah. i'm very grateful."

maybe i'm still not mature, sorry if i'm less responsible and if my attitude hurting you all.

ps: i will be back as soon as possible with fresh idea and great actions, i hope. aamiin.
wait, yes? i hope not too long. :)

Saturday, April 13, 2013

apa sih yang bikin susah gerak?

terlalu banyak berpikir?
terlalu banyak menunda?
terlalu mengomentari?
terlalu melihat "ke luar"?
terlalu membandingkan?
terlalu, terlalu, dan terlalu2 yang lainnya...

"itu mungkin prasangka, itu mungkin dugaan, itu yang berkali2 diwanti2  dan diingetin Allah dalam al-qur'an. jangan sampai terkecoh dan terjebak. godaan syetan itu halus, peka oy tiw! selalu balikin lagi ke acuannya, standar, pegangan."


i will find it! I WILL! I COMMIT!

forgive me Allah, help me, guide me, encourage me, please Ya Rahiim, Ya Hadii, Ya Mujib... :)